Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 1

My name is Stephanie Syphus.  

I married my sweet eternal companion Parker in the Boise, Idaho LDS Temple on December, 29th, 2012!  We attend Brigham Young University-Idaho, and we are both Marriage and Family Studies majors.  Parker would like to be a seminary teacher, or a marriage and family researcher when he graduates.  I hope to be a stay at home mommy someday!  We live in an apartment off campus- it is entirely covered in zebra and the color red.  We are obsessed with food, friends, and fun.

Today is day 1 of my 2013 get fit adventure :) I decided to call my blog Fit Zebras because getting fit is super cool and I love zebras! Last year with my best friend Jordan, I lost 40 pounds.  After being inspired by Taralynn McNitt who I found on the amazing world Pinterest, of I thought it would be fun if I blogged about my weight loss this year now! 

I honestly don't have a problem with my weight right now.  I am just interested in working out and eating healthy consistently, seeing where it takes me, and sharing it with the world wide interwebs.  I just thought with 12 credits, 20 hours of work per week, and all my wifey responsibilities it would be fun to do a blog.  One of my married friends Aubrionna blogs, and I love it.


To kick start my health craze I made a trip down to Idaho Falls to go grocery shopping at Fred Meyer!  I filled our pantry with fruits vegetables, organic yummies, and greek yogurt.  I also splurged on some wedding gift card money, and bought a magic bullet.  I made this little protein blasted beauty with it this afternoon.  I love this thing.  It came fully equipped with these cute lids and straws so I can make a smoothie and go go go!

For exercise today I took an hour walk.  It was BEAUTIFUL outside which is very uncharacteristic of Rexburg, Idaho.  I walked from our apartment to school to pick up Parker first.  We went to the park and went on the swings and then took the long way home.

Tonight for Family Home Evening our really good friends Jake and Amanda and their 8 month old son are coming over to eat homemade tamales!  We made them yesterday and they have been siting in our roaster.  I am seriously drooling.  

Also, today is me and Parker's 1 year anniversary of being together!  I know, its adorable.  The picture on the top right is of when we were dating long distance.  We started dating the very last week of the semester last year, then he went home to Boise and I went home to Arizona for work.  We got really acquainted with our friend Skype.

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